Publisher Web Widget


Fixed Budget Buying

Let's say you want to accept a "payment" for a good, yet the individual does not have a credit card, nor do they have bitcoin. Have them pay cash at a nearby bank as a deposit payment, and your company will receive the bitcoin for the purchase. Solved. In an example like this, you'll want to to supply to the module both the bitcoin address and the fixed budget amount. For that, you need to pass the b parameter.

Actually, this web widget contains the exact functionality found on the Wall of Coins' "Gift Bitcoin" feature. However, the Wall of Coins website itself is using the advanced API calls to obtain this functionality, rather than an easy and simplified web module.


Widget code, full example:

<iframe frameborder="0"
    webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen
    msallowfullscrean allowfullscreen
    style="height: 512px;"